JTG Dragon's Realm
Dedicated for All Things Ultima
"Ultima Lives Forever!"


Discretion is the better part of valor and who know what evil magics would have waited you up there. You turn around and flee from the clearing.

You run as far as you can but finally you fall to the snow. You are too tired to rise up and continue searching. All you want to do is sleep.


"Kal Lor!"

Better luck next time and for heaven's sake go get some adventuring spirit!


Skeletal Dragon: "Oh brother! And they call themselves adventurers! When something as ordinary as a dragon's cave stumbles in their direction they run away in terror. It wasn't like this in the good old times when knights rode to challenge dragons. Everyone was happy. The knights were proud of their valor (though none of them returned from the "crusade"), the dragons got their daily meal and the peasants were happily digging the ground to feed the knights. The cycle worked well. But nowadays.. hah!"

Anyway, try again or are you still afread of cute little dwagons?